
Blade & Sorcery is a medieval fantasy like no other, focusing on melee, ranged and magic combat that fully utilizes a unique and realistic physics driven interaction and combat system. Built exclusively for VR, collisions are dictated by fine hitboxes, objects have weight and follow the laws of physics, creatures have full body physics and presence, and blades can be used to penetrate soft materials or deflect magic.Embark on an adventure in Crystal Hunt progression mode, with 78 skills to unlock. Explore the dungeons and dive into the deep lore of Byeth to uncover the secrets of the ancient Dalgarians. Play in unrestricted sandbox mode to access all 76 weapons, 90 armour pieces, and enable any skill you desire.In Blade & Sorcery, the combat is limited only by your own creativity. Choose your weapon, choose your stance, choose your fighting style; Be the powerful warrior, ranger or sorcerer you always dreamed of becoming!


开发者对内容描述如下: This game contains content not appropriate for all ages, such as frequent violence and gore.


    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Quad Core 3GHz
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GTX 1070
    • 支持 VR: SteamVR or Oculus PCVR. Standing or Room Scale
    • 附注事项: Minimum 72Hz VR support
    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: 8-16 Core 4GHz
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: NVIDIA RTX 2070
    • 支持 VR: SteamVR or Oculus PCVR. Standing or Room Scale
    • 附注事项: Recommended VR 90Hz support
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